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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Christmas Movie Checklist

Here is a list of some of my favorite Christmas Movies, you can print this picture and put it up on your fridge.

Monday 18 December 2017

Twelve Months - Twelve Incredible Dates

Looking for something more than just dinner and a movie:

January –     Do you want to build a snowman
Have an outdoor date, build a snowman, go sliding, skating or skiing. Drink the hot chocolate with melted marshmallows, warm up by a fire. Have a chance to wear those colorful mittens.
February –    Valentines!
Have dinner at home, make an effort using a red tablecloth, real china and silverware. Dress up, buy the cards and chocolate. Whatever you decide to do, make it special.
March –       Indoor Date
In March everything is starting to thaw but it still isn’t that nice outside, so go somewhere fun, an arcade, gun range, indoor trampoline park, bowling, laser tag, museum, etc.
April –         April Showers
Get out your rubber boots, rain jacket and umbrella. Go for an early hike and get some fresh air after the long winter. If dancing in the rain is on your bucket list- this is the time to do it!
May –                    Bring May Flowers
Go to a Farmer’s market, eat something you haven’t tried before, enjoy the ambiance and buy some tulips to brighten up your home or office.
June –         Summer is Here!!!
Everyone is always excited to see the warmer weather arrive and although June isn’t always cooperative you should find a good day or two to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Plant a garden, or some planters for the front step, go for a walk on the beach, build that sandcastle, buy your first ice cream cone of the season.
July –                    Celebrate Canada Day
                   Go to the fair, have a picnic and kiss under the fireworks.
August –      Skying
Skying is the activity of watching the sky. Laying in a field, park or beach, watch the clouds go by. Or, August is a fantastic month to watch for shooting stars, so google the best nights and go to the beach.
September – Labour Day Weekend
Go away for the long weekend to enjoy the last of the good weather.
October –    Octoberfest!
There are so many fun things to do in October, how can you choose just one, go on a fall hike or scenic drive, find the perfect pumpkin at the pumpkin patch and carve it together or get two and have a contest. Go to Octoberfest, enjoy the last of the good weather before it is gone.
November –  A chill is in the air
Before all the business of December hits, relax, go to a spa together. If that is too expensive or you don’t like to be touched by strangers, go to the local pool and enjoy the hot tub and sauna, don’t like shared public water, have a bath at home with Epsom salts and bath oils, have him do your nails, massage each other, have a spa day at home. Don’t forget the cozy robes and champagne.
December – Christmas Events!
December is another busy month, there are parties, concerts and all manner of fun outings. You can also plan one of your own, a cookie swap, ugly Christmas sweater party, make gingerbread houses, or stay home and trim the tree. Whatever you decide to do, make it fun. The one thing not to choose is a shopping date. Shopping in December is serious work and not for the faint of heart, do something fun together!

Wednesday 8 November 2017

25 Dates of Christmas

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Wallace Bay Wildlife Area Trail

Wallace Bay Wildlife Area Trail is a 4 k loop  off the Aboiteau Road in Wallace Bay. It is close to Pugwash. There is a small parking area near this sign on the left hand side of the road.

We did this trail last fall and it was gorgeous! This would be my third favorite trail that I've done in NS thus far, just behind the Skyline Trail in Cape Breton and the loop at Taylor Head Beach. Fall is the time to see this trail but remember to wear hunter orange during hunting season because it is popular with duck hunters.

Here is a picture of the road coming up to the trail (there isn't even a power line to mar the view),

and the water you see on either side of you just past the trail.

Here is what you can expect on the trail. 

The first part of the trail looks like this, very easy going. And this is what you can see on either side of you,

This is the first section of the trail, you can turn around at this point and go back or follow a much less followed trail that hasn't been maintained in quite a while. We decided to do the entire loop and didn't find it too difficult to follow. At some points you can glimpse the water but for the most part it is a forest trail.

As you can see I was a little bit obsessed with how gorgeous the colored leaves were. 
In some places you could see this blue bird marking the trail but I think they must have been from an old marking system, as we only saw a few.

There was also this little bridge over a stream. I was surprised to see it since this part of the trail wasn't being maintained. 

There were plenty of berry trees, which were humming with birds. We even came across an apple tree and each ate one, which seemed even more delicious for having picked them ourselves.

I really enjoyed the sun shining through the trees, the sounds of the birds, the multitude of dragon flies and the leaves crunching underfoot. 

I know I've showed an abundance of photos so far but here are a few more.

I can't express how much I enjoyed this trail. If you go check it out for yourself, here are a few more pictures of what you will see on the drive there.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Taylor Head Beach

This is a lovely beach and picnic park that friends showed us last summer. 

Here is what you can expect to see on the drive in,

This summer we decided to go back to do one of the walking trails.

 We choose the figure eight trail that ran along the ocean. Spry Bay Trail and Headland Trail which is a total of 8 K. There had been a storm the day before so the ground was a bit wet in places and the waves were putting on a show. This is one of the trails we liked best of all the ones we have done in NS.

Here is the view just  a bit into the trail.

The terrain can be quite rough in spots.

And then you get into a bit of forest,

The trail starts off as a forest trail with glimpses of waterfront around every turn, 
then there is this strange little spot,
before it opens up on an open hill with the water far below, 
goes into a rock covered beach 
which is very difficult to walk on 
and then returns back through the forest.
This is the wildlife that I saw that day:
There are a couple of parking lots in the area with picnic tables. It is a great place to BBQ for lunch after a hike.
Afterwards you can take a dip in the gorgeous beach,