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Monday 26 February 2018

Unspoken Rules of the Movie Theatre

Unspoken Rules of the Movie Theatre

I go to the movies a lot. I have a friend I go with on Tuesday, cheap night. I go most weekends with my husband. I love it when my daughter comes home from University and we can catch something we both enjoy. I watch girl movies with the girls and go on double dates to watch funny movies, I watch award winning movies with my friends who are a bit more "mature" and action movies with my husband. I enjoy loosing myself into another world. We've seen it all at the theatre and below are some of my pet peeves. Please read and pass this along to a friend who needs it. I will really appreciate it! :)

1.    Do not arrive late. I know in some areas you can pick out your seat beforehand and that is fine but don’t be walking in front of the screen when the movie has started. If you can’t pick your seat beforehand – get there early. Don’t expect people to move to accommodate your group – that is rude.

2.    Choose snacks wisely. I know the theatre frowns on you taking your own snacks but I don’t really care – the prices there are highway robbery, BUT… Don’t take food that has a strong scent such as take out from KFC or McDonalds. Don’t take food that is overly crunchy or the wrappers overly loud. Don’t take in Halloween candy that is individually wrapped and spend the entire movie rattling packaging. A guy came in late, crowded in front of me during the movie and then opened up a big smelly sandwich and began to munch on it loudly with his mouth open and then pulled out his 2 l bottle of pop. That is way too much and gross! When in doubt, ask yourself if it would bother other people.

3.    Don’t thump the seat in front of you. If you are a kicker, sit at the end of the aisle, don’t be kicking the back of the seat in front of you – don’t even nudge it. I know when you are running back and forth for things you have to get in front of people and pull on the backs of their seats – try not to! Do you really need to leave the theatre, is it an emergency?

4.    Be prepared when taking children to the theatre. This includes a number of things such as making sure they have all been to the bathroom before the movie starts. Talk to them beforehand about talking all through the movie, in fact if you have a child going through the million question stage – wait until it comes out on video or Netflix. Make sure the movie is appropriate for your child’s age before going. Check , this is a fantastic resource for educating yourself before attending a movie. There is nothing I hate worse than not enjoying a movie because a child is either too young and doesn’t understand or it is too old for them and I’m uncomfortable because they are watching something totally inappropriate and the parent isn’t smart enough to leave. I saw a mother leave one time from Deadpool and I was impressed that she was smart enough to do that but really, they were advertising everywhere that it wasn’t for children. Please, please I beg of you, do not take your children to movies that are too old for them! Especially if it is just because you want to go. I’ve seen this at Star Wars, Maze Runner and Jumanji just lately. Basically – be a good parent! Please!

5.    Be clean. I know this sounds very basic but the last movie I went to a couple came and sat in front of us and they literally had drowned themselves in a bucket of cologne and the smell was so strong I immediately got a headache and had to move – even though I had gotten there early enough to get the seats I wanted. I moved and the person in front of me had severe body odor. I ended up having a headache the rest of the day and had to go to bed early. The moral of this story is – if you stink so bad people are disgusted or you have to dose yourselves in cologne before going so you can stand the scent of yourself, don’t go to the movie theatre. Your time would be better spent in the shower. Please think about the people around you.

6.    Don’t talk all through the movie. If you have someone who speaks another language and you need to translate – wait until it comes out on video or ask the theatre if there is a time when the theatre will be near empty. If your child is a talker, explain to them before the movie that this is not the place. Turn your phone off. If you can’t hear – wait until the movie comes out and you can listen to it in your own house as loudly as you want and turn on subtitles. If you don’t understand or you missed something, just wait, it will be explained later in the movie and you will catch up. If you are a teenager and all you want to do is flirt with the guy two seats down – go to the lobby. If you are catching up with a bestie, go somewhere else.

7.    Don’t run in and out of the theatre. If there is some reason you have to run in and out, you are sick, your phone is ringing, you need to keep buying more and more food, etc. Please don’t come to the theatre that day. If you think you need to buy more food – you probably don’t, that is called gluttony.

8.    Pay attention in the line-up. Take turns, be polite, know what you are getting before you get to the counter, have your money, coupons, scene card, etc. ready to go.

9.    Don’t be a pig. If you make a mess, clean it up or at least tell an attendant before you leave so they are aware. Carry your garbage out and put in the appropriate garbage receptacle. Don’t put your gum under the seat, don’t spill your pop on the seat and don’t leave melted chocolate on the seat. Don’t be gross!

10. Do not go to the movies if you are sick or contagious. This sounds like common sense but you would be surprised. Please do not go to the movies if you are coughing and sneezing, if you have lice or bed bugs, shingles or any other contagious illness.
Please! Be considerate!