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Monday 18 July 2016

The Legend of Tarzan

So I’ve been to see this movie twice. The first time I was with someone who enjoys movies with constant action and little story telling. I was a little worried that she wouldn’t enjoy it. Also, before we left another woman told us the acting would be horrible. She was wrong, but maybe she was just a little jealous that she wasn’t invited. Either way I went in thinking it might not be very good. We did enjoy the movie even though my friend thought there was too much background story. She did think that Alexander Skarsguård was hot and therefore worth watching. I would have to agree.
The second time I went with my daughter and husband. It was only about a week later but I enjoyed it the second time just as much. I liked the background story. I liked how Alexander Skarsguård played the part as the strong and silent type who showed more communication with the animals than people. All of the main actors did a great job in my opinion.  I was a bit distracted by Margot Robbie’s hair. It was a strange yellow/orange color – completely unnatural and out of place. Every time she came onto the screen I was thinking what on earth did they do to that woman’s hair!

I liked the relationship between Tarzan and Jane and the relationship they had with the village people. This isn’t just a fluffy love story, this movie has a plot line and deals with a serious subject matter. The scenery and jungle animals were magnificent and beautiful to see. I wouldn’t recommend this movie for really young children but your teenage children could enjoy this with you.

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