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Saturday 2 July 2016

Things I Loved about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Things I Loved About the Wizarding World of Harry Potter 

We visited Diagon Alley at Universal Studios and took the train to Hogsmead at Universal’s Island of Adventure. It really was done spectacularly and you can immerse yourself as fully into the world as you wish. We saw everything from families in full robes, girls in witchy costumes of all types and styles, an abundance of Harry Potter themed t-shirts and people dressed in full muggle attire. Our time there was truly a magical experience and I’m so glad we were able to go. These are some of the things that I loved about it, in no particular order:

Interactive wands - these are so much fun, you buy the wand you would like and use the map to cast spells on things. It is great fun but hard to get a good picture of as most of them are through windows. Trust me, it is worth it and there are two hidden ones to find as well.

People in costume - these are just the staff in costume, didn't want to post strangers in costume but trust me, it is fun to see.

The entrance to Diagon Alley

The home of Sirius Black

The Night Bus

Ministry of Magic Phone Booth

Harry Potters luggage at the train station

Disappearing through platform 9 ¾ and seeing others do it as well

Seeing costumes from the movies - there were so many more than this but difficult to get a good picture through windows, dark lighting or crowds of people.

Fred & George’s store! It is amazing inside and outside.

The names of the stores – Scribbulous, Filch’s Emporium, Olivander’s and so many more



Cauldron cakes - love these!

The Leaky Cauldron & Three Broomsticks - both are dark and themed well. It's hard to get pictures without having other people in them so I'll just tell you that it was a fun park of the experience. My daughter's favorite meal of our whole trip was at the Leaky Cauldron. My husband didn't like the Three Broomsticks that much as he found the chairs too small and uncomfortable.

Hagrid’s Hut


Everything you could want to buy in the wizarding world from parchment and ink to phoenix and owls, puking pasties, pumpkin pasties, chocolate wands, the ear that Fred and George use to listen in at Sirius Black’s house, every flavor beans, the time turner that Hermione uses, even the sweater Ron’s mother knitted him for Christmas.

Buckbeak – I wish you could get pictures with him

The rides – become immersed in the world. There is just one ride at Universal Studios and three at Islands of Adventure. I don't count Olivander's choosing ceremony as a ride but it is available at both places. There is also the train ride which takes you from one area to the other, which is cute but more  of a nice place to take a breather than a ride per say. 

Goblins – the whole bank area was pretty spectacular.

Everything Pumpkin

The shape of the buildings. 

The castle - loved when it snowed in the ride lineup too.

Knockturn Alley - hard to get good pictures in here as it is very dark and creepy. 

Hagrid's Motorcycle

The train

Street signs

Cornish pixies


Seeing things from the movie like the pensive, diadem, the monster book, sword of Griffindor, etc. (I didn't get good pics of all of these things but it was pretty exciting to see them)

The fire breathing dragon

Plus all these things I didn't get pictues of and more!

I solemnly swear I am up to no good maps.
Shutterbutton – do this! It is really a fabulous souvenir. My advice is to watch a video first so you have an idea what you are supposed to be doing.
Moaning Myrtle in the bathroom.
The background music played in many locations.
Madame Malkin's.
The buggy that was pulled by thestrals to take students from the train to the castle.
The muggle car in the Dragon Challenge Ride line up – just wish it was in a spot where you could get a picture.
The employees joking around, asking if I would buy them a pumpkin pasties too and warning me to be careful with the time turner. 
Even signing my Visa slip with a quill.

Pretty much everything there is magical, you can put yourself right in the world of Harry, Ron and Hermione. This was our first trip to Universal and we spent three and a half days in the parks. If I ever returned I would only go for a day and spend the entire time between Diagon Alley and Hogsmead. There were a few rides that we liked at Universal and Islands of Adventure but they were few and far between. Don't try to do this place on a budget, enjoy every second of it, get the butterbeer and the chocolate cauldron, the frogs, the wand, the photos - do it all and make the memory of a lifetime!

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