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Saturday 6 August 2016

Jason Bourne – You Know His Name

I went to see the latest Jason Bourne movie the other night with my husband. It is exactly what you would expect – action, fighting, more action and violence. I don’t know what is up with all the action movies the past year or so but they like to make the action scenes so fast that you can’t actually see what is happening, same with the fight scenes. I think they do that so they don’t have to actually make sense.

My husband loved this movie as he loves Jason Bourne and all action movies. For me it was just okay. I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen it yet but one of my favorite characters dies quite early in the film and I didn’t want that to happen. There is a new female character who is part of the CIA and I haven’t decided yet if she is going to be a good guy or bad guy and by that I mean, someone who helps or hinders Jason Bourne in his fight for life. I guess I will have to wait and see when they come out with the next one… because you know they are going to.

I did see one small child at the theatre for this movie which gave me pause – is that what you want in your child’s head? Violence in, violence out. It’s just like feeding your child a healthy nutritional diet, you have to feed their brain with good things as well. When unsure about a movie always check Plugged in Movie Reviews . I always did this with my daughter, sometimes you see a preview and you think that is going to be so funny or so cute or whatever the case may be and it turns out to be something else completely. This has happened countless times to me and that is why I love this website so much. It doesn’t judge or say go to this movie or don’t go to this movie – it just tells you what the content is and you can decide for yourself and your own child. Sometimes you watch a movie and you think, that was pretty good and then you watch it again with your child and realize, oh there are a lot of swear words in this. We have heard and seen so much violence and bad language that it kind of goes in one ear and out the other – with this site you don’t have to worry about what you are taking your child to again. I know I have gotten a little off track here but I think it is important to take care of our children. 

As for this movie, if you are a Jason Bourne fan, you are going to like this movie as it stays true to form.

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